I had a man tell me once, “You will find more fulfillment out of traveling, than you ever will in a church.” My heart broke when he told me this. My heart broke for him. He definitely hadn’t experienced God in the way I have, if at all. Now, there was a time where I probably did believe this.
And ya know, in some churches, he may very well be correct about that. The Lord warns us in His Word about false teachings. But, that is for a different day, different topic.
But, apart from Jesus, hearing His Word and seeking Him, we are lost. We are hurting and we are broken without Him. We are walking around aimlessly searching for that certain something that will make us whole.
Now, if you truly know me, or follow me on social media, you will see, I do enjoy traveling and I do it quite frequently.
In just a little over a year I have traveled to:
San Diego, California
Sedona, Arizona
Sequoia National park, California
San Antonio, Texas
New Zealand
Zion National Park, Utah
Boone, North Carolina
And lastly, Puerto Rico.
So, it’s definitely safe to say, I enjoy traveling. There is no doubt about that. Apart from enjoying the beauty of the world’s landscape, different architecture, traveling has a way of expanding our small minds and educating us. While traveling you meet many different walks of life and learn about their cultures. While learning about their culture, it can make us appreciate our own cultures more & sometimes, most of the time, humble us. Traveling will also expose the areas of fault as well as areas that need improvement in our own cultures. Traveling gives us perspective. Traveling is something I believe everyone should do. There is definitely beauty, adventure, and education all wrapped up in one with traveling.
But, let me tell you, no matter the place, I have access to something in every location I am in, that is much more, much much more than traveling and that’s Jesus.
You see, we are all searching for fulfillment. We are. And we are all searching for purpose. And there was a time where I believed that traveling was where both of those were found, but it’s not. And the more and more I travel, I realize this. The Lord humbles me every time I travel. He shows me over and over again, what this life is truly about. You will not find true fulfillment in just traveling alone. You will not find purpose in solely traveling. True fulfillment and purpose comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. Through truly knowing Him, and making Him known to others, that brings fulfillment. That is true joy. And a byproduct in knowing Him, makes us more vulnerable, and with vulnerability, we have the power to allow genuine human exchange with the entire world, no matter their views, or walk of life. That is the power of Jesus and His love. He uses us to exemplify His Love and Light with the entire world at any location. And, this, this is purpose. This is what brings fulfillment.
We are constantly searching, and searching for this in the things of this world. I still continue to catch myself doing it, but time and time again, Jesus shows me that He is exactly what I am searching for. He is what we are all searching for. Each trip He shows me this over and over again.
I saw a quote one time from someone famous and seemed to have it all. I cant remember who it was but It read, “I wish everyone could become famous how they desire to be. I wish everyone would achieve everything they have ever wanted in this life. I wish they could, to realize, that it is not it.”
That stuck with me. Speaking from my own personal experience from my small accolades such as career, paying off 73k of debt, traveling the entire world the last ten years or so. These aren’t it. You think once you achieve this or that, that this will be “IT.”
Dare you to pursue Him. Because, I truly believe He is IT. It will be the sweetest journey you will ever experience, and guess what? Which ever location you are in, He is right there. His joy and fulfillment do not hinge on the location you are in, or the week long vacation you planned, but it will be for eternity. It will be purpose and fulfillment in whatever location. He is much more, promise.