
Traveling Does Not Bring Fulfillment. Jesus Does.

I had a man tell me once, “You will find more fulfillment out of traveling, than you ever will in a church.” My heart broke when he told me this. My heart broke for him. He definitely hadn’t experienced God in the way I have, if at all. Now, there was a time where I probably did believe this. 

And ya know, in some churches, he may very well be correct about that. The Lord warns us in His Word about false teachings. But, that is for a different day, different topic.

But, apart from Jesus, hearing His Word and seeking Him, we are lost. We are hurting and we are broken without Him. We are walking around aimlessly searching for that certain something that will make us whole.                                 

Now, if you truly know me, or follow me on social media, you will see, I do enjoy traveling and I do it quite frequently. 

In just a little over a year I have traveled to:

San Diego, California 

Sedona, Arizona

Sequoia National park, California 

San Antonio, Texas 

New Zealand 

Zion National Park, Utah 

Boone, North Carolina 


And lastly, Puerto Rico.

So, it’s definitely safe to say, I enjoy traveling. There is no doubt about that. Apart from enjoying the beauty of the world’s landscape, different architecture, traveling has a way of expanding our small minds and educating us. While traveling you meet many different walks of life and learn about their cultures. While learning about their culture, it can make us appreciate our own cultures more & sometimes, most of the time, humble us. Traveling will also expose the areas of fault as well as areas that need improvement in our own cultures. Traveling gives us perspective. Traveling is something I believe everyone should do. There is definitely beauty, adventure, and education all wrapped up in one with traveling.

But, let me tell you, no matter the place, I have access to something in every location I am in, that is much more, much much more than traveling and that’s Jesus. 

You see, we are all searching for fulfillment. We are. And we are all searching for purpose. And there was a time where I believed that traveling was where both of those were found, but it’s not. And the more and more I travel, I realize this. The Lord humbles me every time I travel. He shows me over and over again, what this life is truly about. You will not find true fulfillment in just traveling alone. You will not find purpose in solely traveling. True fulfillment and purpose comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. Through truly knowing Him, and making Him known to others, that brings fulfillment. That is true joy. And a byproduct in knowing Him, makes us more vulnerable, and with vulnerability, we have the power to allow genuine human exchange with the entire world, no matter their views, or walk of life. That is the power of Jesus and His love. He uses us to exemplify His Love and Light with the entire world at any location. And, this, this is purpose. This is what brings fulfillment. 

We are constantly searching, and searching for this in the things of this world. I still continue to catch myself doing it, but time and time again, Jesus shows me that He is exactly what I am searching for. He is what we are all searching for. Each trip He shows me this over and over again. 

I saw a quote one time from someone famous and seemed to have it all. I cant remember who it was but It read, “I wish everyone could become famous how they desire to be. I wish everyone would achieve everything they have ever wanted in this life. I wish they could, to realize, that it is not it.” 

That stuck with me. Speaking from my own personal experience from my small accolades such as career, paying off 73k of debt, traveling the entire world the last ten years or so. These aren’t it. You think once you achieve this or that, that this will be “IT.”

Dare you to pursue Him. Because, I truly believe He is IT. It will be the sweetest journey you will ever experience, and guess what? Which ever location you are in, He is right there. His joy and fulfillment do not hinge on the location you are in, or the week long vacation you planned, but it will be for eternity. It will be purpose and fulfillment in whatever location. He is much more, promise. 


Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen to Good People?

I think this is a question a lot of people have. I have questioned this in the past and sometimes still do. I was at my home church a couple of weekends ago. Mosaic Church in Ocean Springs, MS is where I attend. Pastor Brandon was talking about this question and brought up a good point in regard to this question. 

He said, “This question is implying that God is bad and people are good.”

When he mentioned this perspective, it really made me think.  The question is indeed suggesting this. Why do we think humanity is good and, God is bad? If you ask me, I believe humanity is anything but good. I, myself including. 

The Bible tells us, 

Isaiah 64:6 

All of us have become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
    and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Our most righteous acts are like filthy rags the Bible says. This means that even if we try to do good, there usually is always some bad intertwined. Majority of the time there is always something in it for us. Meaning certain acts can be done in vain. Humanity wants to make ourselves “look good” and doing something “good” in this world makes us “look good.” 

Now, I understand some people genuinely try. Some are trying in their own strength and some are trying with the help of the Lords strength. Majority of us all try. But, what this is telling us is deep down humanity is bad. Humanity is selfish. It is in our blood. This is who we are. We can try try try to be just like Jesus but it’s not in our nature to be perfect and selfless. Because of sin coming into the world, sin is in us. I do believe God can transform us from one glory to another. His word tells us that. By His power and spirit, we can be changed. But we will never come to completion and be made perfect until we meet our creator. There will always be something to improve here on earth. 

Pastor Brandon even went a step further and talked about cancer. We wonder why “God allows” cancer to happen but have you ever stopped and thought about all the steroids, etc that these big corporations (ya know “good people”) are using on their animals to produce more product to make more money. Statistics show to get the same amount of nutrition in some fruits and vegetables has declined so much, you would need to eat triple the amount to consume the amount of nutrition years ago. 

Bad things happen because of bad people. God has gifted us free will. He gives us the opportunity to choose.  And, God has a plan to redeem it all. He has a plan to restore anything and everything but the question is will you allow Him to redeem and restore your heart while here on earth? I pray you allow Him to.

Gods word also tells us that He uses it ALL for good of those who LOVE Him. Romans 8:28

Y’all, if we didn’t have the bad, we would not appreciate the good. We wouldn’t have the perspective. The bad truly does make the good so much sweeter. 

The book of James in the Bible tells us to count our sufferings as JOY. Why is this? 

James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

The Lord does not want us lacking in anything. He wants us to be perfect. He wants us to be complete. Not lacking in anything. The only way we can achieve this is seeking the Lord and allowing him to use our trials and tribulations. 

Romans 5:3-4

Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

Count your sufferings as joy because of the fruits that will come from it. Allow Him to use every part of your life. All the bad. All the good. It’s truly a beautiful experience watching the Lord take it all and make it good. This is the beauty in the redeeming love of God. Allow the Lord to use it all for your good, and not only for your good but for the good of others. Allow Him to use your story, use your heartache to reach people, to sympathize with people. Allow Him to mold you. Allow Him to make you exactly who He created you to be through the bad and the good. He will use it all for the good of those who love Him and I truly believe that. 

I do believe God is good. God gave Adam and Eve free will. He gives us free will. He wants us to be free, and choose. The byproduct of Adam and Eve sinning brought sinful nature to humanity. Humanity is sinful. Humanity is bad. God is good. Gods plan is good. and I pray you open your heart to the goodness of Him. 


Does Science Point to God?

I think it’s important we talk about the evidence for Gods existence through science. I do not think many people touch on this subject enough. I believe science has Gods hand written all over it. 

Since 1966 many discoveries have arisen that points to an “entity” or to a God who created all of this. 

The book, Is Atheism dead? by Eric Metaxas inspired me to write this blog. 

One of the first things that was discovered that made people question if God was and is behind all of this is the Big Bang: this is the start of the universe. Before the Big Bang was discovered scientist thought the universe was here forever but since there was a start and ending to the universe this would mean all the laws, matter and energy did not exist before the Big Bang. This means they all came into existence in an instant. Through this they found out that the universe was expanding which means it had to start somewhere. Universe use to be said it was static. The atheists argument was that if there was enough time anything is possible. So, since there was a beginning of time, this argument was not defendable.

Second thing is the fine tuning of the universe. Fine-Tuning means that there are many things about our universe and our planet that are so extremely perfectly calibrated that they can hardly be coincidental. If these things were even slightly different, life would not even be possible. One of the arguments is that of the sun being perfectly placed so that life could exist on earth. If the earth was even slightly further or closer, we would die. Closer- water would evaporate, further it would freeze up. As well as the moon. If the moon were slightly smaller or larger, life could not exist here on Earth. Earth is the only planet with a single moon and the( precise )massive size that is. The sun and the moon appear to be the same size here on earth, but the sun is actually tremendously bigger. They are just precisely positioned to appear this way. 

A step further we go into the fine tuning of the galaxy. The position of the earth is so perfect in the universe. If we were any closer to galaxy’s center, the radiation would be far too great for us. If the earth was any smaller, our magnetic field would be weaker and the solar wind would strip our atmosphere to almost nothing. Making earth well, lifeless. If earth were any larger, no water or methane or carbon dioxide could escape our atmosphere because of the gravity being so strong we would not be able to breathe. Jupiter and Saturn are constantly protecting us from meteorites and asteroids.  How is Jupiter and Saturn so perfectly positioned for this? But, not for any other planet. If the universe were even the tinniest bit smaller it would have never created all the elements that are necessary for life. Humans require at least 22 elements at bar minimum to live. 

I am not going to even try to touch on anything more in depth- but these are just a few perfectly calculated things in this world and there is plenty more where that came from. 

It’s all one big circle. Without this perfectly calibrated circle, we would all die. Earth would have never experienced life. 

Some people also think that life emerged from non-life : Abiogenesis. They have discovered by the complexity of a cell, this is not possible. 

The archaeological discoveries in the Middle East point directly to the Bible as well. A few of them are: The Dead Sea Scrolls, Evidence of Crucifixion, The Pilate Stone. These findings illuminate the Bible and there is tons more. 

I touched on just a speck of what knowledge this book provided me from even some of the most profound atheists and physicists. 

I encourage you to read this book if you have not. It is mind blowing. 

Why do we as humanity try our hardest to accept anything but that God is real? And, that God loves us? When all the Lord wants to do is give you all the answers through Him. He wants to give you all the wisdom and knowledge of where you came from and why you exist. He wants to give us our purpose. He wants to give us life. He wants to give us Himself. The greatest gift we could ever receive and still we deny it. We deny Him. But, to deny Him is to deny life. And, I truly believe that. 

I believe Gods existence is revealed by science. Every single part points straight to Him.  The belief that there is no God is not defendable anymore. 

I pray that you start seeking Him. It will not only change your life for eternity, it will completely change your life in the here and now. 


We cant save people. Only Jesus can.

We cant save people, only Jesus is in the business of that one. We cant be peoples saviors but He can. 

Life can be hard for everyone. It can be a knock down drag out at times. It’s full of ups and downs. We all know this. We each have hardships to overcome. Struggles in each of our lives. And we also have beauty in each of our lives If choose to stop and really look around. 

As someone who cares and genuinely tries to be the best person, not only for God, but for His people, I can and do fall short at times. And at times some may think I fall short but they could be completely wrong with that perspective also. 

If there is one thing I know in my 28 years of living, you cant please everyone. We also all know this. You cant be there 100 percent of the time for every single person in your life on top of all the people God is continually putting in your path. There has been seasons of friendships in my life. Seasons of all kinds of relationships. Some have been continuous 20+ years and some are pretty short and thats ok. 

The friendships that I absolutely adore in my life are the friendships that know life is busy. We all have different schedules, jobs, callings. It can be a lot. Some may go months, or even years without talking but they pick right back up. 

If thats you, thank you. Your friendship means more than you know. 

Iv realized with growing more in my faith, we cant carry every bit of someone else’s life on top of ours. Only Jesus is in the business of carry everyones anxieties, stresses, and struggles in the world. That is why He came down to live the life we couldn’t. To carry our pain even all the way to a rugged cross to die. To heal us with His wounds. 

Isaiah 53:5

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”

Out of Christ great love and forgiveness to me, I have the ability to extend that same love and forgiveness to every person I come in contact. 

But being there for every single person in your life 100 percent of the time is not achievable. We aren’t humanly capable of that kind of pressure/responsibility. At times, we too need a break. Being human we don’t have the capacity at times, but He always does. 

This is why putting our faith in Him is so important. Your best friend cant be your savior. Your boyfriend cant be your savior. Your husband and wife cant be your savior. Your pastor cant be your savior. Only Jesus can. 

Only can He be with you 100 percent of the time. Only Him. 

God gifted us the Holy Sprit. 

John 16:7

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”

And He will be if you will let Him. He will be your comforter, peace, guidance, support, and strength at all times. He will be your savior of your life if you let Him. 

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

All that to say, if you have been in my life for even just a speck, only love, grace, and forgiveness from me over here. 

With love, always. 


Denomination Does Not Matter, Jesus Does.

I will preface this by saying, I am in no way trying to shame Catholicism. I do not want this post to be a place of negativity, or an opportunity for others to talk down on the catholic religion. 

If you make a negative comment, I will delete it. 

The denomination of a church does not matter, as long is it is biblical.  If it is not biblical, well, thats another topic of discussion. 

But, if the church is focused on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, that is what it’s about. The way we worship, and the religious acts we choose to partake in are our choice. But, just because someone does not worship the way you choose to worship, doesn’t mean they are wrong, “Aren’t saved” or “ Don’t know Jesus.”

Only God knows our hearts. Only He knows if they are genuine. 

We are all suppose to be one body, one church unified by Jesus. 

I decided to share an experience that I had at a Catholic Church in California last month. Now, this could very well have been at any denomination but this happened to be at a catholic service. 

Maybe this story will shed some light and a new perspective for some of you. 

This church. Wow. The beauty of this church was breathtaking. I loved the formality and structure. I loved the difference in ways of worship and what others did to feel like they are giving God the reverence He deserves. 

Now, I am ignorant when it comes to what to do and when to do it. I was kinda just watching everyone and taking it all in. Up, down, Amen, etc. 

I attended a catholic service a while back but its been quite a while. 

The service was coming to a close and the church was about to take communion. I got in line and decided to take communion, because well, why wouldn’t I? I know Jesus and I have given my life to Him. It came close to my turn. I grabbed my bread. I smiled so big at the lady. The lady just starred at me and then said with a very strong, demeaning tone, “Say Amen.” I was not aware I had to say this. 

Very small, I know. 

Some other events happened that I will not get in to. 

But, moving along, after the service, I was chatting with a lady who also attends that church. She proceeds to tell me, “Well, It was a fake communion then.”

Excuse me. What? What makes it a fake communion? 

Now, I understand that Catholicism has you go through some things to be fully initiated into Catholic Church. Which, in the Bible I have never ever heard of Jesus or the disciples giving people a list of things to do before converting to christianity/obtaining salvation. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior, you are instantly saved. 

If there is one thing I know, I know that I know that I know, I know Jesus. I have fully surrendered my heart and life to Him. I may fall short, I may not glorify Him in every aspect of my life like I should, but since I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I have full access to the Father in communion. Not because I took a few classes, and read His word but because I have given my heart to Him. 

So, with that being said, yes, I will take communion, no matter what denomination of the Church I am in. And yes, it is very real to me. 

Now, for the past 7 years of pursuing the Lord on my own, I have found we cannot define God by humanity. Humanity is fallible. We have to get to know Him for ourselves. Just because a church, or a “Christian” hurt you, does not mean that is Jesus. We have to get to know Jesus through His Word.

There is grace and forgiveness for it. Out of Christ great love and forgiveness to me, I can extend that same love and forgiveness. But, what I worry about is other people. If this would have happened to someone trying to come to church for the first time, new to faith, or trying a church out for the first time, they would have turned away from Jesus in a heart beat. 

We have to do better church. We have to get to know our God better on our own, to truly be able to live a life He want us to live and to be the people He wants us to be. 

Lord, I am praying over every denomination, that we will come together as one church in unity for You, Jesus and only You.


Power In Our Stories

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Revelation 12:11

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony..”

Him, Satan, the enemy is not only defeated by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) but also by the words of our testimonies. 

What? When I think about this, how powerful our testimonies must be to defeat the enemy. 

Everything we go through in this life is something God can use for good.  Everything. Not just some things, all. 

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

God can use it all for His glory. He can use it all not only for Him but for our good and the good of others. But the only way God can use our stories is if we allow Him to. He can only use what we give Him. He can only use what we are willing to be honest about.

I truly believe that Jesus already conquered life, death and everything in between. God doesn’t need our help to defeat the enemy, He already did.

John 16:33 “I have told you these things that in me you will have peace, in this world you will have tribulation, but take courage I have overcome the world.” 

John 19:30 states, “It is finished.”

The battle is won.

There is so much freedom in knowing the battle has already been won. So much freedom in knowing my salvation doesn’t hinge on what I have done but what Jesus already did. He defeated sin for us so we can spend eternity in the presence of God for the rest of our lives the second we give our hearts to Jesus. But what I feel like this scripture is saying is there is so much power in sharing our testimony right now. So much power it defeats the enemy in the here and the now in our lives and in the lives of others. So, it leads me to this word, transparency. 

Recently, I have been trying to be as transparent as I can be. I don’t want to hold any of my story back. I want to be real and raw. I want to offer up every bit of my story, even the most darkest and shameful parts so He can use them. I feel the more we try to hide certain areas of our lives, the more the enemy likes to use it for his benefit. I feel the more transparent we are with our lives, the more healing will come, the more God can use it, and the more the devil will be defeated.

Sharing what God has done in our lives defeats the enemy.

Jesus already defeated the enemy for us but He wants us to know we also can play a part in defeating the grasp the enemy has in our lives right now through our transparency. 

I truly believe the extent of transparency in each of our lives, is the extent to which the devil will be defeated in that certain area of our life. 

Once we have surrendered our hearts to Jesus, we already obtained the victory through Him. But if we are being honest with ourselves, this life is a struggle. Until we are in heaven and in the presence of God, we will never be complete. It’s a constant battle on this side of eternity. We are continuously battling our sinful nature, and constantly in a spiritual battle. 

What I mean by a spiritual battle is the devil will never cease pursing our hearts, as well as God will never cease pursuing our hearts. We are in a spiritual battle.

We defeat the enemy not only in our own life but we defeat the enemy in others lives the second we allow the Lord to use our story. 

So, are you hiding the darkest parts of your life or are you bringing it to light for the Lord to use for His glory?

Are you a closed off person or are you transparent person allowing the Lord to use your story to help others?

Are you one of those people who try to act perfect or are you humble enough to admit you’re a sinner in need of a savior?

Because truth is, we are all sinners. 

Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”

1 John 1:8  “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

Give your story to the Lord. Let Him make beauty from the most darkest parts. Let Him use your story to help others. Let the Lord turn your pain into purpose. 

Don’t allow the enemy to claim victory over your life but defeat the enemy through your transparency.

Defeat the enemy by sharing your testimony. 


If Everything Was Taken Away From You

If everything was stripped away from your life, what would you be living for? 

Honestly, if literally everything was taken away from you; your family, friends, job, significant other, money, what would be left?

What would you be living for?

What would you be known for?

What would your purpose be?

Ya know, thinking about the book, Job, in the Bible. He literally had absolutely everything taken away from him. 

His wife. His kids. His livestock. His livelihood. His money and eventually his health. 

Satan was trying to tell God that Job only loved God because of the gifts and blessings God had given Job. Satan was trying to tell God that Job didn’t actually love God. That instead, Job loved the things of this world more than God. But, Job proved Satan wrong. Even after all the losses, Job still was faithful and loved God. 

As I think about this, I am curious to know peoples answer who do not believe in God. I am sitting here thinking of what I would be living for if absolutely everything was taken away from my life, and it would absolutely be Jesus. And just because I can answer that question with such certainty does not mean it wouldn’t be difficult. It does not mean I wouldn’t struggle, and struggle a lot but what I know for certain, is that no matter what happens in this life and in this world, I will always have Jesus and no one  can ever take that away from me. No matter the circumstances, I will always have purpose and that purpose comes from Jesus. No matter the losses, I will always having something worth living for and that’s Jesus. 

So, what would you be living for? 

What would your purpose be?

What I’ve realized is it is such a joy to know Him, and it’s such a joy to make Him known

No matter what this life throws at me, I will always have purpose in Him. I will always have a reason to not just get by in this life but to truly LIVE. 

If I did not have my faith in Jesus, I truly do not know how I would answer those questions. I would be lost and aimless. 

So to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ some questions I want to leave you with. 

Heart check.

Do we love God more than the things of this world?

Do we love God more than the gifts we have been given?

Do we love God more than the blessings in our lives?

Do we love God because we have had it easy in our life?

Honestly, I try to ask myself these questions often. It’s so easy to fall into the ways of the world. Its so easy to get caught up in this life and lose track of what’s important. I see myself falling in love with some things of this world and honestly, its inevitable. But, those things won’t bring fulfillment. Maybe happiness for a temporary amount of time but not eternal fulfillment. It won’t bring us internal joy. 

What Jesus did on a cross for each and every one of us is worth way more than anything this world could offer. Everything else in this world pales in comparison to the love Jesus expressed for us on a tree. I am eternally grateful that I know this kind of love and I just pray you know His love too. If you do not, I want to encourage you to read my blog, “Love.”

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. 

This is my prayer. This is my heart. That we would become so satisfied in Him that He would be most glorified in us.  

And the most satisfied we are in Him the more freedom, peace, joy and purpose we will experience. 



When I think about love, worldly love, people love expecting something in return. We love because we want that love reciprocated. In some cases a person might have some ulterior motives. It’s sad really, the worldly “love.” The world has truly perverted the meaning and idea of “love.” I looked up the worldly definition of “love.” It means to have deep affection, whether that affection is for something or someone. The world is running around “falling in love” with tons of people and things. One person comes into ones life, and they just fall so deeply in love so fast, and before you know it, you fall right out of love just like that and on to the next human, right? Honestly, we have mastered the worldly view of love. We “fall in love” with some shoes we just bought and a week later we already fell out of love with them. What I am getting at is our version of “love” is so transient. It’s so temporary. And honestly, selfish. Humans have deep affection for a lot of things and sometimes a lot of people but normally for a small amount of time.
But what God has been speaking to me about the past two days is not so much worldly love but Godly love. (Side note- the Holy Spirit is so freaking cool.) God expressed His godly love through Jesus. God sent his son, Jesus, down from the purest place to live a life we all never could. Jesus came down to serve, not to be served. Mark 10:45 Jesus came down to literally die, nailed on a tree for all of us. Jesus came down to express a love KNOWING that His love would be denied by so many. As I think about that, gosh it’s so powerful. I don’t know many people, if any, that would love anyway or better yet, die, for someone KNOWING they would not get anything in return. As I sit here and write this, y’all my heart, I’m wrecked by Gods love all over again, like the first time I fell in love with Jesus.

Gods love is steadfast. Never-ending. Forever. And ever. It’s not transient. It’s not just a “deep affection” for a short time. It’s eternal. Gods love is not selfish. Gods love is sacrificial. Gods love doesn’t shift or change just because we did something wrong. His love remains. Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:39.

I know we probably all have heard this verse but it’s never resonated with me so much till now.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7:

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”

1 John 4:7-11:

“Beloved let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

These are just a few TRUE definitions of love. And there is plenty more where that came from. Tons more nuggets in His word ( the Bible ) place where true definition of love is shown. If we want to know the purest form of love, then we must study who God is through His word.


We must know God to truly know love. We must know Gods love to even have a slight shot at truly loving.

Man, if there is one thing I want to do in this life, is love. I want to love just like Jesus does. (side note-the song, “like Jesus does” by Eric Church one of my freaking jams.) And you know what, I can. I can love like this only because I know Gods love. Out of His abundant love for me, I can extend that same love, forgiveness, and grace to every person I come in contact with. Not expecting anything in return but genuinely expressing a love that Jesus has expressed to me.

“We love, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

In 1 corinthians it says, “rejoices with truth.” We cant rejoice if we don’t know truth. We can’t know truth ( love ) if we don’t study His word.

My prayer for whoever reads this, you will run, not walk, to read your bible and really get to know who God is through His word and with doing that, you will experience a love like never before. I am so thankful to know Gods love.

Jesus Makes Us A Good Steward of Money

I decided to share a few things I have implemented in my life the last 6 years that has truly changed the trajectory of my future, financially. Side note: 7 years ago was also when I started my journey of pursuing the Lord on my own.

As most of you know, Iv payed off a lot of debt. 73k to be exact. This includes SUV/Student Loans. Although, I did live with momma for a few years ( Mom, you rock! ) and that did indeed speed up the process, it was also my mindset and discipline that got me there. 

And, 100 percent the stewardship of Jesus. 

One of the things I’m continually saying, is people don’t have money issues, they have priorities issues. Not all the time but 95 percent of the time, I can almost guarantee it. 

Financial freedom is 100 percent a mindset. Financial freedom is 100 percent a choice.

If you act like you have money, you won’t have money. 

I have a daily reminder in the back of my head, “25 dollars a day equals close to 10,000 a year” 

This is huge !!!!!!!! 

I try to keep my miscellaneous spending/eating out to 10-15 dollars a day. 

Honestly, close to 10 dollars a day. This includes meals.

I do not buy 7 dollar ice coffee each day. That adds up. Make your coffee at home. 

If I know I’m going to be spending money at night I don’t miscellaneous spend at all during day. I eat at home and cereal never hurt anybody. 

Also, if you need my grocery list of what I buy, let me know. Lmbo.

Limit (honestly, never) buying sodas/drinks eating out. They charge like 3.00 dollars just for a soda. This is small but adds up quickly when you are eating out once a day x 365 days a year. I always order water. Healthier route too. 

When I am planning on drinking when I go out, I eat in. 

Don’t do both. This is 50+ a meal each time when you do. 

I also have gotten to where I’ll make my own cocktail (espresso martini) at home before I go out and then just drink a couple beers. OR just don’t drink alcohol at all and drink water. Healthier route and you feel great the next day. 

When I am eating out, I typically find things that I can make into TWO meals. No, you dont need a meal and basically another meal to fill up. This is called Gluttony. I really enjoy eating smaller portions and you feel better. This helps with portion size and money. Or, you could share with someone. I LOVE sharing. I get this from my father. Him and I always share meals. Also, find the deals. 5 $ gyro night at Glory Bound etc &of course order WATER. 

I never impulse buy but always think do I really need this? Yall, the few times I have impulsed bought on 100-300 dollars. I instantly regretted it hour later. Just don’t do it. 

I shop at the thrift a-lot. Well all of the time honestly. Sustainable. Cheap. 

And if you didn’t see my last post, I won “Best Dressed” my senior year of high school and guess where majority of the clothes came from? Thrift store. Just saying. More money doesn’t always mean more satisfaction/better style. 🙂 

Any extra money I have, I always chunk it toward my loans. Tax money. Stimulus checks. 

I have worked two jobs for a while now. ( Currently, like 3 jobs now) So, my side job has been paying my bills and my full time has been saving/paying off debt.

If you can find a side gig that brings in 100 dollars a week, thats 400 extra a month. That’s prob your car note. 

If you are living on your own, find the(a) cheaper route. I currently have a roommate. I will prob keep living with a roommate until I am married most likely. This makes things cheaper. 

I called all of my bills ( Ex. car insurance company ) and tried to get all my bills down lower. I know this sounds weird but doesn’t hurt to ask. I think I’m paying 90 dollars a month for full car coverage. 

Delete dumb subscriptions, etc. Get your bills down as low as you can. 

As you probably know, any loans you have, pay off the higher interest first. 

Very Important!!! Once you pay off one loan, use that money to pay off  another. 

(During this covid loan forbearance, I have been chunking money towards my loans because there has been no interest and every penny has been going straight to principle.)

Bank accounts: I have 2 banks. ( really three ) but I get 300 dollars of my check to go into a completely different bank so I do not see it. Out of sight, out of mind kind of thing. Use this money to pay things off, save, BLESS OTHERS etc. 

Credit Cards! Y’all, these can work SO much in your benefit but, some don’t use them in this way. I put everything I buy on a credit card BUT here’s the deal. DONT SPEND WHAT YOU DONT HAVE. When I swipe the credit card, I pay that off the next day. I use a credit card like a debit. Most credit cards give points/cash back. If you are spending it, why not make money back if possible? *I can send you the link to the credit card I use and get you extra points if you wanted.  I have basically gotten two free flights this year and hotel room, etc. 

I also have a Marshalls credit card. I use this rarely! Usually, 30 dollar increments when I shop there. Every time you get to 200, you get 10 dollars back. No limit to the time it takes you. This is just another way to get money back. IF YOU USE IT SMART. DONT GO INTO MORE DEBT, USE IT AS IF ITS YOUR DEBIT. AGAIN, DONT SPEND WHAT YOU DONT HAVE. 

I also will never/have never bought a brand new vehicle. This is a waist of money in my opinion and a hugeeeee chunk of change for the payment each month. I buy fairly new/used vehicles. 500+ a month on vehicles is what most people spend on the note. IN my mind thats a plane ticket. 

Just don’t buy more things and go into even more debt. 

Minimalist lifestyle is game changer. Don’t keep up with the Jones’s.

Financial freedom trumps debt any day. 

Bottom line:  It’s honestly just a mindset of finding cheaper, more practical ways of living that really does make such a huge difference. 

The world tells us if we buy this or that you will be happy but, it’s just a temporary rush.

True Joy comes from Jesus alone, NOT from buying things/having more like the world tells us. 

If you want to get to know Jesus, you could check out my Godfidence.online blog. Link is in bio. 

My inbox is always open and I am more than happy to meet over coffee to talk about Jesus with you. 

I truly believe Jesus makes us great stewards of this thing called life, and a huge part of this thing called life, is well, money. Honestly, all to Him I owe. 

I don’t know what your future looks like, maybe it’s selling the brand new car you got and getting something used. I don’t know. But, what I know is, paying off debt, is sacrifice and hard work. You can do it but it may mean changing a few areas in your life to get there. And to be honest, I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how therapeutic/less stress a minimalistic lifestyle is. And to be even more honest, if you get to know Jesus, you will find thats all you really needed all a long. Because, when you have him, you have everything you need. I am cheering for you and praying for you. 

Hope this blesses you 🙂

Maybe It’s Not About Abortion

God put this 16 year old girl in my path at work months ago. She came in &found out she was pregnant at my clinic. She just started balling her eyes out and I just hugged her, and kept telling her it’s all going to be okay. 

I gave her my number before she left, invited her to our youth group at Mosaic Church and told her if she ever needed someone to talk to, I will be there. 

We ended up meeting at Starbucks coffee the week after, and her 26 year old sister came with her. We sat and chatted for an hour or so. 

Some of the conversation led into how the father of the child wanted her to have an abortion. My heart hurt watching her go through these emotions. Ironically enough, God had also put another girl in my path the. day. before. who was 18 years of age and had an abortion the week before. She came into the clinic distraught, panicking and so unbelievably sad she had aborted her baby. She said, “Haley, I didn’t know what else to do.” 

I will never ever judge anyone for the decisions they make in their life. They will always be met with love and truth from me. I myself, am also a sinner that just loves her Savior. I have fallen short tons, and will continue to do so through out this battle-field called life. But, I try. I try to live a life worthy of what Jesus did on a cross for a sinner like me. 

But, all that to say , I got to share the 18 year olds story with the girl who was now pregnant, and it allowed her to see a different perspective. 

I got to pray with the 16 year old that day and her 26 year old sister. Prayed for many of things, but never for her to choose one way or the other. I prayed for God to come into her heart and guide her. That’s not my position. 

I prayed for the baby inside of her. I prayed for Jesus love to completely take over her. I prayed. 

Month after, she texted me and said, “If it wasn’t for me telling her that story, she probably wouldn’t have her baby right now.” 

She continue to tell me thank you for being who I was & for caring. 

It has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with God. With Jesus living inside of me. 

This post isn’t to shame abortion. This is to show that maybe, it’s not about abortion, maybe it’s about people actually being obedient to what God calls them to do. Maybe it’s about really being there for people who God puts in their path. Not to tell people how to live their life and what they should do, but to show them Gods love and PRAY WITH THEM. He will guide them. He will convict and show them how to live this life. 

I think all we need in this life, is to know we aren’t alone & really that someone cares & A WHOLE LOT OF JESUS. 

Ill Wait

I will preface this by saying during this season of singleness the Lord has been working immensely in my heart and my over all life. 

About a month ago, I was having a conversation with a male. He made a comment about lending his password for his only fans account to multiple married men. My heart broke when I heard this.  
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a sinner. I am not writing this to point fingers and judge people. But, it sprung up more conversation and thoughts. Thoughts on who I want to be as a wife one day, and the type of man I want to be married to one day. 
I do know there is plenty of things the Lord is revealing to me as far as things I can work on in my own life. This will be a process and a battle the rest of my life. The battle of combating the flesh, and instead, choosing to follow truth and spirit. 

The conversation then led into “Jesus talk.” My favorite conversation topic.
He went on to tell me something along the lines of, “The type of man you want is not out there.” That, “All men watch porn, only fans, etc. This is what men do.” 
Now, I am not naive. He is probably right in many cases, if not, all. I am sure all men (and women) at some point in their life have fallen into that sin, and if not that sin, then other sin. We all have fallen short of Gods glory. Romans 3:23
“If we say we have no sin, then the truth is not in us, and we deceive ourselves.” 1 John 1:8

I went on to say something like this, “Do you know what’s easy? What’s easy is being like the world. That is easy. Do you know what is hard? Not being like the world. What’s hard is being who God calls us to be. But, do you know what is the most rewarding thing? Striving every day to be who God has called us to be. Whats rewarding is committing to striving every day to be more like Jesus, not just for God but for your husband, wife, mother, father, friends, etc. And you are probably right. 90% of men are exactly what you say. But, I will wait. I will wait the rest of my life for that 10%. I will wait for a man that doesn’t want to settle to be like the world but, wants to partner with me to push each other to be more like Jesus every day. I will wait. “

I am in such a beautiful season. The Lord has truly revealed Himself to me in a way I haven’t ever experienced. I am content in this season of singleness and truly soaking it all up. What the Lord has been revealing to me is, life doesn’t start when you get married like the world screams at us! Life doesn’t start when you meet “the man.” It starts when we truly have surrendered our heart and life to Jesus. And I am not talking about just “believing in Jesus.” I am talking about having such a passion for Jesus that you want to go to the ends of the earth to expand His kingdom. 

I do know I have such a calling over my life. I do know I not only have a calling over my life, but I have a calling over my one-day marriage. And I will wait. I will wait for that 10%. Someone that wants to strive to be the person God has called them to be. But until then, I am content. I am so content in Jesus alone and Im rocking the whole single life and loving every second of it. I will wait. I will wait for that man who wants the same. That wants to daily turn away from sin and turn to Jesus. Not just a marriage but a kingdom marriage. A marriage that will not look like the world, but will look like Him. A marriage that will symbolize Christ love for us. A marriage that will bring others to Jesus. I will wait. But until then, life is now. 

Yeeehawww to that!!!!!!!